Steve Metzger
Steve Metzger
Mobile Developer Lead - Waterloo, ON

About Me

I have over 12 years of experience as a software engineer, and have worked at both small startups and large organizations. While I'm a proficient full-stack developer, my expertise is in cross-platform development of web and mobile apps.

I am currently working as a Team Lead, on the Mobile and Web Client team at Maplesoft in Waterloo where I actively develop the Maple Calculator mobile app for Android and iPhone, and Maple Learn


  • Guided the Maple Calculator mobile app from concept to an established product with over 1,000,000 downloads on Google Play.
  • Winner of the Maplesoft 2020 virtual hackathon.
  • Key contributor to 5 major releases of Maple, responsible for marquee features such as the Workbook File Format and the MapleCloud Package Manager.
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Waterloo


My personal interests include:

  • Learning. Programming is a continuous learning process. I love that I get to learn something new every day.
  • Marathon Running. I liked running in high-school, but had a shock in 2017 when I realized it had been 10 years since I had run at all. I've completed 2 marathons since then and exercise daily because practicing self-discipline is the best way to reach your long term goals.
  • Algorithms / Competitive Programming. I'm working through an online course to keep my skills sharp, and participated in a hackathon this year.

Current Job (Maplesoft)

  • I Optimized native Android image processing in Java, for Maple Calculator to provide 10 times better image compression vs using the flutter camera package, improving image scanning speeds and reducing processing time and network usage.
  • As Full Stack Developer, I worked on the MapleCloud web application, creating a responsive web design for better user experience on phones.
  • In Maple 2018 I removed many stumbling blocks from the Maple coding environment with features such as syntax highlighting, auto completion and static code analysis.

Other Things

  • I have a personal Jira account to help manage my life.

Contact Me